My Platform

Centering Student Success

Each Fontana student is one of six million within the state of California, and they are treated as such with funding and legislative cycles that focus on the whole system instead of the individual. When I am elected in November, I will be working to change that viewpoint so each student is empowered to define their own success, and shine brightest in who they are as an individual. Fontana is strongest when our students’ diversity, individuality and aptitudes are celebrated for the richness they bring to our community.

Fiscal Responsibility

As a Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Member, I will have a responsibility to the Area 4 voters, ensuring their interests are being properly advocated for and protected. Public school funding is a limited resource, and as such, must be spent reasonably to ensure that all students are being offered equitable opportunities for success. Every student deserves to have a high quality, 21st century public education, regardless of home address or school site, and as a Board Member I will use my vote to support each student in their educational needs.

College and Career Readiness

All students should be adequately prepared for life after education, and that means that we need to be teaching students about all of their post-secondary options, including trade and specialized skill based career options. We need to prepare students to make informed decisions about their future, which means preparing them with educational skills, such as reading comprehension, foundational algebra, and comprehensive critical thinking; but, also preparing them with occupational skills, such as budgeting, taxes, computer literacy, and trade skills.

Celebrating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Social Justice

As a career educator, I have had first hand experience knowing that embracing the strength our differences bring will bind a community together better than unifying on the basis of similarity. As a Board Member, I will work to ensure:

  • The richness of diversity within our Fontana community is celebrated

  • All students are have the opportunities and individualized support(s) they need

  • Every student be encouraged and empowered to participate in all FUSD activities

  • Our district continues to identify areas where accessibility supports could be implemented before they are requested, for students, parents, and community members, because through full participation we grow and thrive

  • FUSD continues to identify and dismantle systemic societal barriers, allowing each student to fully embrace their potential as they grown into the next greatest generation.

Public Education

I am a product of a public education, from public primary and secondary schools all the way through post-secondary, graduate and post-graduate studies. It is a system I fully support and believe in. It is a system I am now a part of perpetuating, as a community college professor. I believe that through dedication to high quality public education we will inspire the next generation’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Steve Jobs, Spike Lee, and Dolores Huerta, all proud products of public education.

Education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. We don’t need little changes, we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. Competition for the best teachers should be fierce; they should be making six figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge to it citizens, just like national defense.”

- Sam Seaborn, The West Wing, S1E18

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