I’m Joshua Christ, and I’d love for you to get to know me better…

Hello, and thank you so much for taking your valuable time to get to know me, and my campaign to represent you on the Fontana Unified School District Governing Board. Fontana is not my first home, but it is the home that I have chosen, out of the entire wide world, to live in and grow in with my family. The support from the community and the rich tapestry of cultural, social and ethnic diversity make it such a joy to call Fontana my home.

While I have lived in many places, and called five different states home at one point or another throughout my life, one constant for me has always been a deep connection to public education. I attended public elementary school in a small, rural western New York township. My teenage years were spent in large, suburban Chicago middle and high school halls, where my high school graduating class was roughly the size of my childhood town. As a young adult, I came to learn about the world as a student in two very large public / state universities (Illinois State University & University of Missouri - Kansas City). And now, finally, as a graduate and master in my field, I am driven to pass along my knowledge to the next generation of students, as a tenured professor at Mt. San Antonio College. I am a product of public eduction and would not be the man I am today without those experiences.

For as much of who I am today as I attribute to the opportunities public education has offered throughout my life, my family has also provided me with guidance, support, work-ethic, and a disposition to service. Both of my grandfathers (James Christ and Roland Perkins) served in the armed services, and were honorably discharged from the Army and Marines (respectively) at the end of their enlistments during the Korean conflict. Both began life after service with very little, but managed to work hard, and build a better life for the next generation, including Grandpa Christ founding, operating and passing down a small paving business in the aforementioned small town. My dad worked in that paving business from age 14 - 38, with his older and younger brother, and had my mom not been transferred from the Rochester to Chicago office when I was 10, it is likely I too would have began to work in the family business, as my cousins did. My aunt has been a public servant for that township for over 25 years in their parks and recreation division. Public service, to my family and in my life, is not a thing someone does for recognition or glory; it is the way we choose to ensure the lives our children have will continue to offer more opportunity and enrichment than the generation before.

In my own public service as a teacher, professor, and union leader, I have come to learn and understand how my experiences in life may have been very different from my colleagues, students, and fellow community members. I have lived a life that has allowed me opportunities that are not fully available to all, and I have come to recognize this as the privilege that I have. I can do little to change my own privilege, but when you elect me to represent Area 4 on the Fontana Unified School District Governing Board, I promise to use that privilege to lift up voices needing a platform and be an agent through which change can begin to occur.

Support Christ 4 Fontana


  • I appreciate this question, but as a candidate for FUSD Governing Board, I am running as a non-partisan candidate, because the position is a non-partisan position. I will be setting my personal party affiliation aside, because it is important to center what is best for the students in the decisions I will be making as a Board member, and there is no political party that is always correct when answering what is best for students.

  • As a CTA member, I am heavily involved. I work closely with my K-12 colleagues at CTA State Council (the decision making body) 4 times each year. I am regularly involved in legislative advocacy at our representatives local office, as well as Sacramento trips to advocate for students and teachers, and have been selected as a CTA representative for a workgroup that is helping to finalize the Master Plan for Education in California. I plan to bring all this knowledge and advocacy to my role as a Board Member, elevating the FUSD ability to proactively advocate for our students and classrooms.

  • Fontana wasn't my first home, but it is my forever home and the home I chose to make with my family. I strongly believe that individuals should take the time to travel, explore and settle where they most feel at home. For some that is the town where they grew up, but for me, that is here in Fontana, where we plan to raise our kids and serve the community.